RCEA is dedicated to supporting customers like you in generating your own renewable energy. Solar customers with RCEA buy energy at lower rates and receive credits for excess energy supplied to the grid.

We understand that solar rates can make your electric bill complicated. We are here to help!

Not sure which solar plan you’re on or want to learn more about your plan?

Benefits for RCEA Solar Customers

Get Paid for Excess Solar Generation with Annual Cash Out

In May of each year, RCEA will automatically send out a check to all solar customers who have a credit balance of $100 or more when doing the annual assessment of the account in March for the account review period which spans from March to March. There is a cap of $5,000.00; if your credit exceeds $5,000.00, the excess will be rolled over to the following billing cycle. If the credit amount is below $100, those credits will be rolled over and applied to the following billing cycle.

Receive Monthly Bills with Credit Rollover

RCEA’s generation charges are billed monthly as RCEA doesn’t have a true-up like the PG&E solar program. The PG&E delivery charges will be trued up at your annual true-up date.

Upgrade to 100% Renewable Energy with REpower+

For a $0.01/kWh premium, upgrading to 100% renewable energy ensures that you are always using 100% renewable energy, even if the sun isn’t shining. If you are a net generator, you will earn an extra $0.01/kWh for the energy you produce. This is in addition to the $0.01/kWh net generator bonus described below, which does not require you to upgrade to REpower+.

How it Works

Net Generator vs. Net Consumer

Net Generator If you generate more electricity than you use, RCEA will credit you each month at your retail generation rate plus an additional $0.01/kWh bonus. Those surplus credits will be rolled over to the next month for you to use later in the year or cash out in May. For Solar Billing Plan customers, the retail rate for credits applies only until the true-up; at true-up, the credits are calculated via Net Surplus Compensation (NSC) rate.
Net ConsumerIf you use more electricity than you produce, you will be charged for the difference at slightly lower rates than PG&E. See www.pge.com/cca for rate details.

Billing Plans

Customers with new solar panels will automatically be enrolled into the Solar Billing Plan (SBP). Customers with a Permission to Operate (PTO) date before April 14, 2023, were placed on the Net Energy Metering (NEM) program. See our Understanding Your PG&E Bill: Solar page for a breakdown of a NEM bill.

For more information on the different billing plans, please continue reading below or contact us.

Solar Billing Comparison Chart
Click to enlarge.

Compare Plans

Customers are billed monthly by both RCEA & PG&E. The “generation” export credits are paid at the retail rate until true-up. At true-up the cumulative kWh is calculated via the Net Surplus Compensation (NSC) rate.

Customers are billed monthly by RCEA for the “generation” and credits are paid at retail rate plus an extra penny.

Customer are billed monthly by RCEA for the “generation” and credits are paid at retail rate plus an extra penny.

I’m a Current Solar Customer. Which Bill Plan Am I On?

To determine which bill plan you’re on, you’ll need to look at your PG&E bill. See example bill below for more information.

Click to expand


Contact Us

We understand that solar billing can add complexity to your electric bill. If you have any questions or would like more information, please contact us. We’re happy to help!

Phone: (707) 269-1700

Email: info@redwoodenergy.org