Want Help Understanding Your Residential PG&E Bill?
Keep scrolling for a line-by-line breakdown of a sample Residential Time-of-Use (TOU) rate PG&E bill.
Download Sample Bills
- Understanding Your Bill: Residential TOU (PDF)
- Understanding Your Bill: Residential EV TOU (PDF)
- Understanding Your Bill: Residential E-1 (PDF)
Want Personalized Help with Your Residential PG&E Bill?
RCEA employees are happy to help! Avoid bots and long wait times by contacting us at our office in Old Town Eureka.
California Climate Credit
Twice a year in April and October, residential PG&E customers receive a California Climate Credit on their PG&E bill. This credit is designed to help customers as California transitions to a low-carbon future.
Read more about the CA Climate Credit on the CPUC website.