Integrated Resource Plan

RCEA 2022 Integrated Resource Plan

RCEA filed its biennial Integrated Resource Plan (IRP) with the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) on November 1, 2022. The plan details RCEA’s electricity procurement plans through 2035 in keeping with statutory requirements. RCEA’s IRP is used by the CPUC to aggregate with other load-serving entities’ plans to ensure statewide planning for electric system reliability, renewable resource integration, affordability, and greenhouse gas emissions and air pollution reduction.

Per CPUC directive, there are two sets of Clean System Power and Resource Data Template spreadsheets, corresponding to two different 2030 and 2035 greenhouse gas emission scenarios, as explained in the IRP narrative. Note that RCEA’s portfolio results in emissions less than its proportional share of the 2030 and 2035 greenhouse gas emissions target, so it is only required to submit that one portfolio. As such, the inputs into both Resource Data Templates (25 MMT and 30 MMT) and both Clean System Power Calculator spreadsheets (25 MMT and 30 MMT) are the same.

Some of the information required by the CPUC included in the Resource Data Templates and narrative is market-sensitive and therefore redacted from the public versions posted here.

  1. Narrative
  2. Board Resolution
  3. Verification
  4. Clean System Power Calculator 25 MMT (note: 45.3 MB file)
  5. Clean System Power Calculator 30 MMT (note: 64 MB file)
  6. Resource Data Template 25 MMT
  7. Resource Data Template 30 MMT

RCEA 2020 Integrated Resource Plan

RCEA filed its biennial integrated resource plan (IRP) with the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) on September 1, 2020. The plan details RCEA’s electricity procurement plans through 2030 in keeping with RCEA Board-adopted goals and state statutory requirements. RCEA’s IRP is used by the CPUC to aggregate with other load-serving entities’ plans to ensure statewide planning for electric system reliability, renewable resource integration, affordability, and greenhouse gas emissions and air pollution reduction.

Per CPUC directive, there are two sets of Clean System Power and Resource Data Template spreadsheets, corresponding to two different 2030 greenhouse gas emission scenarios, as explained in the IRP narrative. Some of the information required by the CPUC to be included in the resource data templates is market-sensitive and therefore redacted from the public versions posted here.

  1. Verification
  2. Senior Executive Attestation
  3. Narrative
  4. Clean System Power Calculator 38 MMT  (note: 57 MB file)
  5. Clean System Power Calculator 46 MMT  (note: 57 MB file)
  6. Resource Data Template 38 MMT
  7. Resource Data Template 46 MMT

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