RCEA Awarded $3 Million to Assist Rural Fire Stations with Energy Resilience
EUREKA, CA. – January 9, 2024 The Redwood Coast Energy Authority (RCEA) has been selected to receive a $3,000,000 award under the California Office of Planning & Research (OPR) Regional Resilience Grant Program (RRPG). The RCEA “Energy-Resilient Fire Services in High-Threat Communities” project will use the RRGP funds to construct resilient energy systems (solar panels + batteries) at fire stations that serve high-fire risk areas in Humboldt County. The goal of this work is to provide onsite electricity during emergencies and power outages so that critical services provided by fire stations remain available.
RCEA will work with project partners to design, permit, and install solar energy + battery storage systems at 16 fire stations. Installation of this equipment will allow local fire agencies to provide power to charge medical equipment and cellular phones and support other life-sustaining services such as cooling during extreme heat events and air filtration during fire season. Additionally, installation of onsite renewable energy systems will reduce power bills during normal operations and replace the need for generators using fossil-fuels during power outages. The grant funds will also support ongoing prescribed burn training provided by the University of California Cooperative Extension in partnership with the Humboldt County Prescribed Burn Association.
RCEA is thankful for the collaboration and input of our project partners. Project partners include: Yurok Tribe Volunteer Fire Department, Hoopa Tribe Volunteer Fire Department, Karuk Department of Natural Resources, Blue Lake Volunteer Fire Department, Telegraph Ridge Volunteer Fire Company, Honeydew Volunteer Fire Department, Fruitland Ridge Volunteer Fire Company, Orick Volunteer Fire Department, Orleans Volunteer Fire Department, Petrolia Volunteer Fire Department, Salmon Creek Volunteer Fire Company, Bridgeville Fire Protection District, Briceland Volunteer Fire Department, Whitethorn Fire Protection District, Willow Creek Volunteer Fire Department, Westhaven Volunteer Fire Department, Schatz Energy Research Center, and the University of California Office of Extension. For more information see the California Office of Planning and Research grant award announcement: Press Release: California Awards $21.7 Million to Bolster Regional-Scale Climate Resilience Across the State – Office of Planning and Research
About RCEA
Established in 2003, the Redwood Coast Energy Authority is a local government joint powers agency whose members include the County of Humboldt, the seven cities within the county, the Yurok Tribe and the Humboldt Bay Municipal Water District. The Energy Authority’s purpose is to develop and implement sustainable energy initiatives that reduce energy demand, increase energy efficiency, and advance the use of clean, efficient, and renewable resources available in the region. For more info, visit redwoodenergy.org.